Miami Slackers Guide to Voting – Wake up and Vote! TODAY!

I woke up early and went to my new polling place. It is at the elementary school across the street from my old polling place, which is usually very crowded. A light rain began to drizzle as I parked my car and tried to remember which voting block is least likely to come out in the rain during a midterm which also happens to include the Governor’s Race and Amendment 2  “Legalizing Medical Marijuana”!  The obvious blocks will sleep in cause of the rain but hopefully they will motivate.

So anyways Get out and VOTE there are some huge Ballot Bills  Here is my quick and dirty guide to the ballot and my opinions on what you might want to check.

Candidate’s for Congress.- 
Real Simple if you are an R you vote R if you are a D Vote D If you still aren’t sure then vote for the Democrat-  (OK Debbie Wasserman Shulze is useless and a vote for NPA is Gimme to the Repubs but my Opinion I don’t want the Republicans and especially the Partiers  with bigger Majority in Congress – We need people being able to compromise and see the bigger picture and that ain’t this batch of Republicans. (Full Disclosure I’m an Ex R now No Party Affiliation )

In my District it’s between Curbelo and Garcia–   While I don’t have problem against Curbleo who was a nondescript member of the Dade County School Board (nothing noteworthy), his campaign intros him as a man of God. All that God talk scares the Fuck out me when it comes out of candidates mouths as an active selling point.  No don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem on whether you believe in old man Sky God – but if you are of the type that I will call “Young Earthers” you have ZERO business legislating on how people should live because you clearly do not have a grip on objective reality.  I am not implying Curbelo is a  Fundy Crackpot but I’m not taking any chances.  On the Democrat side  Joe Garcia,  he was marginally better than the crook who ran against him last cycle so good that he won. But notice his ads (and Record) don’t really point to being an effective legislator, or any worthwhile accomplishments maybe that’s a good thing. I will hold my nose and for him- though I’m really voting  against Curbelo and Republican Majority- not For Garcia.

Judges –
Look unless one of the Judges has been in the news for letting child molesters out early or you have a personal beef with the Judge  then Bubble in Retain and move on with your Vote.  other Judges  Vote the Girl or the Jew That’s what I do. You are on your on with the rest. (I should pay more attention but the herald never talks about the judges in the Sunday Paper)

Governor :
Vote Charlie Christ – He can’t do any worse and he loves the camera too much to hide anything.
As for the Crypt keeper –
CRYPT-KEEPER Rick – (Mr Pled the 5th, can’t ID his own Sig, What’s the question, Secret meetings with Big Sugar at Kind Diamond Ranch, lets gut the Education budget only to restore just in time for election to say that he’s “For the Kids”) Scott. Look if you want to believe the fairytale that his policies created a paltry 650,000 jobs in FOUR YEARS then I have bridge to sell you. Heck the state could have picked up 650k jobs with ME and my dog sitting as Governor. Also his energy and environmental policy is mess for Florida.  You want to know why we don’t have Roof Top Solar Credits while FPL picks up huge tax breaks for Wind-farms to power Google Datacenters in the Midwest? Blame Scott and the R Legislature.

tl;dr version
NO on 3
YES on everything else.

The Rundown

Amendment 1 YES
Water and Land Conservation – Dedicates funds to acquire and restore Florida conservation and recreation lands– Because the ability to buy and restore land so we have clean rivers, lakes, water supplies and beaches is  good thing for people who live on a swamp peninsula surrounded by Salt Water. We need more protected lands (like the Pine Rocklands near my house that going to be bulldozed to make way for a Chick Fil-A and Walmart)  So yes on this means few Strip malls and more beaches and wildlife areas.

Water and Land Conservation – Dedicates funds to acquire and restore Florida conservation and recreation lands

Amendment 2  YES  Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions

If you have a shred of compassion for your fellow man then this should be yes. Don’t believe the Bullshit about nnot being able to regulate who can and can’t be a caregiver. . that is a smokescreen the can be easily remedied via statute and operational Regualtions just like we did with Pill Mills and other Medical Services. Medical Pot will be a boon to that segment of our most needy (elderly, Cancer patients, Etc) and will act tin increase medical tourism. This is boon that we cna’t afford to ignore. Some people are worried that it will lead to legalized Recreational use. That is a fight for another day. And Frankly if your experiment for Medical Pot does not go well neither will any othetr kind of looseing up.
This is good medicine and we should take it.

Amendment 3  NO  Prospective Appointment of Certain Judicial Vacancies

Currently, the Governor may not fill an expected vacancy until the current justice’s or judge’s term expires. Nothing Wrong with this.  If you are not the Governor than you should NOT be able to make picks for when you are not in office
Lets not Fuck with this, When your time is over, it’s over Deal with it.
This allows the Outgoing Governor to fill near future Potential Vacancies on  Our Courts Like our STATE SUPREME COURT.

This is a Republican backup plan to Stack the court with Conservative judges in case Scott gets booted out. This is one of those  Short sited plans- that has a Current long tern benefit. But they will regret in the fute when the the tables turn as they eventually do.

Miami Dade County Questions .

Charter Amendment to Article 7 to Allow Libraries in Parks    YES   Come on people No Brainer

I like Libraries- I like Parks Why NOT Allow them to use the same land Feed the body AND Mind.
Charter Amendment Exempting Miami-Dade Regional Soccer Park from Article 7   NO

OK  This one I don’t know about but it Sounds like a Land grab by a Private entity to do something with Soccer park. Since I don’t know who this Benefits and who hurts- I’m going to say  no to allowing some unidentified third party to use the park for something else and lake money off it.
Charter Amendment on Protecting Preservation Lands and Allowing Campgrounds and Lodges/Cabins in Camp Matecumbe  YES
Tightens Environmental restrictions on Some parks and Allows Camping facilities at the now overgrown  Old “Boystown” Penal Colony, Reform School, Troubled youth facility).   Yes, we need more campgrounds (especially if we are getting tighter with Preservation)

Charter Amendment Exempting from Article 7 Florida International University’s Expansion onto Youth Fair Site

FIU wants to expand it’s footprint and include a full medical campus.   The Youth fair could use new home.   FIU can’t move in till the Youth Fair Moves out. Taxpayers aren’t paying for Either. (FIU will foot the relocation costs)   Granting this exemption allows FIU to move in.  FIU is a great public Florida State school and Bigger Campus and more educational opportunities are huge plus and the Youth fair grounds  are a little moldy and long in the tooth.